Sunday, 27 April 2008

Saturday, 26 April 2008

The other ATC I have entitiled 'A Man's Difficult Decisions?' I really like this 'Man in Thought' stamp and wanted to illustrate a choice in a man's life! So...does he chose to spend his money by making a proposal of marriage to his lovely young lady, or buying a gold watch or spending his savings on a car? Difficult choices indeed!!
I am playing tomorrow so intend to have a craftie day today. I am desperate for some face moulds and spent half of yesterday trawling round shops in a vain attempt to purchase. As usual DC'ers have come to my rescue and passed on some websites! (Don't know why I bothered wasting time going out really!)
Thursday, 24 April 2008

Sunday, 20 April 2008
Ancestry v ATC's?
Dad enlisted in the Navy as soon as he was old enough and served in WW2 during the battle of the Atlantic. Sadly he is now no longer with us and I have had no contact with him since my teens. So many questions now left unanswered!
Ellen lived to a ripe old age and although only a child when she died I remember her very well. She taught me to read!
She was a lady of tremendous spirit and as I have researched my roots, I have begun to understand why she was so feisty! Her mother was in service and bore 3 children out of wedlock. Ellen herself went into service at an early age. It is obvious from my research that Ellen hated injustice and was prepared to 'stand up and be counted' hence the theme of the ATC.
She did not marry until she was 28 and had 6 children. Ellen's soldier husband died prematurely in 1924 (she outlived him by almost 40 years!) and Ellen did battle with the Ministry of Defence for an increase to a meagre war pension to help support her family.
She worked in a 'ladies powder room' at a city centre railway station until she was 70 and then argued with her children who said it was about time she retired - in the end she conceded defeat! I think this must have been one of the very few times in her life when she didn't rebel!
Thursday, 17 April 2008
Paris in the Springtime?

Can't believe how quickly the last few days have gone by. Wish I could say I have done something constructive but apart from 2 cards requested by a friend, haven't done anything craftie at all!
This collage ATC was made for a one to one swap on the DC site. I found the brooch in an old tin that must have belonged to one of my ancestors! Have lots of bits and bobs that I have kept and only now realise I must have been keeping all this 'junk' for a reason! I intend to try Altered Art (when I become a bit more confident), but I really liked this little gilt brooch of Paris - it conjured up an image of one of my ancestors wandering down the Champs-Elysees!!!! (They probably never left England but the image is a nice one!)
Sunday, 13 April 2008
Dream a little dream................

Managed to survive Club Opening Day without getting wet! Was given the honour (?) of delivering the first jack and bowl. Needless to say the bowl was not one of the best I have ever delivered...more practice needed methinks!
Saturday, 12 April 2008
In the beginning.......

Am not sure if anyone else will be interested in my musings but lagging well behind my other half with regard to the inner workings of this amazing box known as the PC, thought I would try blogging. (Something he hasn't done in his impressive repertoire of PC related knowledge)
Having worked with computers for many years I have always felt at home using them. I am not however, in the least bit interested in HOW they work, just as long as they do! Don't think I could live wthout the old PC now... if I was unable to look at other peoples wonderful artistic creations I would be bereft! The 'box in the corner' has opened up a wonderful world to me and i have made many new 'on line' friends!
I have no pretensions about my own ability as far as crafting is concerned. I have aways considered myself as having an eye for colour but not a good enough eye to pursue a career in art or design. That doesn't stop me though from trying out new things. Greatly encouraged by crafters on the DC site, I have recently emerged out of my comfort zone of making basic Artist Trading Cards using printed images and card embllishments and tried experimenting with other mediums. I have not forsaken my card making entirely but actually now find it easier working on smaller pieces!
Of course, the outdoor bowling season is almost upon me... my Club opens tomorrow.. so a little less time to craft during the summer I fear!