See - just when you thought it was safe and I had left you, I've turned up like a bad penny!!
Got home Sunday night after a fab much needed holiday.
Unfortunately though this again is only going to be a fleeting visit as we still have no proper Broadband connection as beloved BT laid the fibre optic cable to the wrong cabinet.. whatever that means - LOL
But I understand enough to know that for the time being I'm having to connect the PC to my mobile phone and use up all my internet allowance to access anything - so visiting and commenting are still at a premium - as are uploading pictures onto my blog.. but hey ho thought I'd sneak this one in...................

Here is the view I am now blessed with seeing from my new lounge window and from my new bedroom......
The sloping green bit is our garden (bit of a change from the other one eh???? LOL), the small road is a private service area for the residents, no caravans, boats or anything else allowed to ensure your uninterrupted view only 'visitor' parkling!
(Please note I didn't take any pics of the cardboard boxes, bubble wrap etc which is currently housed on the entire top floor room of what is eventually going to be our office and my craft space...)
Life is going to be a bit hectic over the next few weeks - (as if it wasn't bad enough moving just 4 days before we went on holiday!) - we don't have any wardrobes or storage space anywhere - wardrobes, new bed etc all being fitted middle of next month, new furniture arriving for the lounge next week (I hope) and we're going to make a start kitting out the office once the floor has been laid so until then no crafting for me (sob sob - have got SEVERE withdrawal symptoms as it's now over 3 weeks since I last made messy!)
I promise to try and stop by you all as often as I can and thanks for calling in and commenting.... hopefully I should at least be able to have Broadband by the middle of next week.....even if the stamps and ink and stuff are still asleep tucked up in cardboard!
Hugs from me. x