Haven't had any time to do any crafting apart from one ATC for Maggies challenge.I am suffering severe withdrawal sypmtoms, particularly as Maureen has sent me some beautiful plaster cast faces which desperately need to be worked with! It has been a mad 10 days - held another 'Pink Day' last Sunday at one of the Clubs. The event raised over £800 so am well happy! Actually I'm completely gobsmacked at the amount we have to date..over £1,300 with one event left. There's some fab pics on the County website (some men look good in pink!!) Follow the link on the right ( County Bowling Site - ) if you want to have a peep! It's shown under the heading 'Team 5'
And yesterday was the biggest day in the ladies County team's history! The rain never stopped and I knew when I arrived at the green it was obvious (even with our artificial surface) that we weren't going to be able to play. Cue worried faces as we knew that if Cumbria managed to play at Yorkshire and win, all our efforts this season would have been for nothing- there would be no time to re arrange this final game of the season and it would just be marked as 'abandoned'. The Durham team arrived and all we could do was sit and wait. The news came through that the green at Yorkshire was playable so that game got underway. I paced round, with my phone in my hand waiting for the result, a few more grey hairs appearing. Once the result came in, I managed to get all my team together outside away from the opposition to tell them their fate! They went barmy when they heard that Cumbria had only managed 2 and a half points from the maximum 11! So we had won by 4 and a half points with a game in hand - Drinks all round and a happy team, husbands, supporters everyone!! The rain didn't spoil the party!!! Oh and my team presented me with a beautiful engraved crystal vase - had to get the hankies out!