Sunday, 9 November 2008

Work in Progress

Card making has taken a bit of a back seat lately, mainly because I made a mountain this year for my breast cancer fund raising but also partly becasue I wanted to be doing other challenges!
Christmas card making is seriously bad this year, will probably end up having to buy some! With a distinct lack of enthusiasm, I've probably made about 30 to date with half of these done with basic stamping. Here are a few I did using just a couple of different stamps. The Santa stamp is one of those that you can use plain and colour in, or if you're in a hurry just stamp with embossing powder (which is what I did!) as is the group of trees. The Holly card was embossed onto vellum and red acrylic paint used for the berries and the door was a stamp with UTEE over to give a glossy finish.

All need greetings to be added apart from the holly one and as usual I shall be doing that just before I put them in the envelopes!


Anonymous said...

Those are very pretty cards.
Hugs Vanja

Jan said...

You're not the only one behind with cards this year! I'm panicking already - there's no doubt I shall be buying a box or two (or three!)... and, I must say, feeling very guilty about it. Why do we do this to ourselves lol?!!

Jinny Holt said...

Ohhh you put me to shame woman - only thought about them!!

Kristen said...

your art is always so stunning. I love to look an awww. Gorgeous!

konnykards .. Musings of a Senior Citizen said...

They're lovely Viv. We all have the same problem - too many things we'd love to do, not enough hours in a day! Connie.

Debby said...

I love love love love that Santa stamp. I need to find me one. And Kristen is right, your art is stunning. Makes me smile :-)