Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Mid way at Try It On Tuesday

Our 'WHAT A NIGHT' challenge is half way through at TRY IT ON TUESDAY.

Near the top of my wish list for several years has been wanting to see the spectacle of the Aurora Borealis.
We were planning a trip to colder and more Northerly climes for late 2025 in the hope that we may be lucky and then in 2024 she showed herself not just once but several times in England and I (along with many others) actually had their wish granted without having to travel anywhere!

First time I rushed outside at 1am watching these dancing green and pink columns above my head and then on two more occasions I saw the sight again that I never thought I would be fortunate enough to see.

The last sighting just before Christmas was the most spectacular - vivid pink columns before eventually the other coloured dancing lights appeared in the starry sky.

So I credit the Lady Aurora for inspiring me to make this card.

Of course it isn't as perfect as the real thing but it captures for me the first moments of the last appearance - and the sentiment is definitely true - I will definitely remember the moments I saw this natural phenomenon!
Tree stamps are from Inkylicious.

Thanks for looking and for any comments you leave - hope you are able to join our challenge too!
Have a great day whatever you're doing. x


Joanne said...

That is a beautiful card! I missed them the few times they were visible in Connecticut but I do hope to see them in person and not just in photos one day.

Carole said...

Beautiful card Viv. You were lucky to see the wonder in the flesh so to speak...never got to see it here..too many street lights I think.

crafty-stamper said...

Love the trees and fabulous Aurora Borealis effect in the sky-brilliant.
Carol x

HilaryJane said...

Your aurora is beautiful and lucky you to have seen it in real life from your own garden. That is special indeed. Your card is beautiful xx

Aquarius said...

How wonderful that you could see this spectacle without having to travel. You've re-created it beautifully and the sentiment is perfect

Sarn said...

WOW! This is an AWESOME card Viv. I love EVERYTHING about it.

I was lucky enough to get brief glimpses of the aurora on 2 nights last year and they were fairly faint being so far south of the UK - but see them I did!
Hugs, Sarnie xxx

Liz said...

Your card is amazing, Viv. We’ve been to Iceland, Finland and Norway searching for the Northern Lights and still haven’t seen them. We even stood out on Dartmoor last year for several hours on a night they were predicted to appear, but only saw stars. Perhaps we’ll be lucky one day. xx

Jules said...

Hi Viv
You really are the Queen of night sky creations .. .. both with and without the Aurora.
Truly wonderful work with your Oxides! Love it!
Love and hugs
Jules xoxo

Pat said...

How wonderful to be able to see the Northern Lights here in the UK, not something that happen much here, but your re-creation of it here ls fantastic, and love the bit of light at the horizon, and the trees are beautiful and I love the sentiment which suits this perfectly.
the white spattering has the loveliest look of stars, and you don't say but I wondered if the dots in a row were added by hand to depict one of the constellations...this is definitely a 'WOW' card. x