Tuesday, 4 March 2025

For a Lady

The latest challenge at Try It On Tuesday starts today and our theme is 'FOR A LADY'.
Any project accepted as long as it fits our challenge theme so hope you can join us.

I've been painting recently so had a piece of watercolour card out on the desk and instead of putting it in the remains box I used it for this.

The left hand side background was smooshed and because it's watercolour card it absorbed it and made it more subtle than I actually intended but I think it works.
Blue, green and brown inks and for once the colours were where I wanted them - although I think maybe next time I might try lightly wetting the watercolour card first.

Stamps are a mix of Altenew and Rare Earth, used Walnut Stain ink and sprayed lightly before stamping.
Matted onto dark brown card.

Thanks for looking today - hope everything is well in your part of blogland! x