People who have followed my blog from the very beginning will have seen the jigsaw piece used in this project before.
This was my very first attempt at an altered jigsaw and the piece itself was sent to me by Maureen earlier this year with a comment to 'enjoy yourself'.
The jiggy bit has sat in a box along with some other made pieces and although I hadn't forgotten about it, I didn't know what to do with it!!
At Christmas some very good friends bought me some crafting goodies, which included two canvases. As crafting has been difficult of late I have tried to ease myself back into the swing of things by making this to hang on the workroom wall (now officially christened 'The Den'!)
The canvas was painted with a blue acrylic wash, 'faded denim' distress ink used on the music score background (which was edged with mulberry paper for some definition) and the large jiggy then attached. The charms are on samples of 'black gloss' worktop pieces obtained from a local DIY store (which I got when I was trying to decide what colour worktop to have in my new kitchen 3 years ago! - Knew they would come in handy.....) These worktop samples have a really high gloss finish which doesn't show very well on the photo, and the charms look really effective on them! Finally I added the small jiggy with the conductor and then used Stazon 'Azure' ink for the flourishes and completed the piece with the flower embellishments. The completed piece measures 12" by 9".
Now all I need to do is arm myself with the hammer and look for another picture hook!