Sunday, 30 June 2019

Tidy up

Since arriving back home from my few days away I have been chasing my own tail a bit catching up with washing/ironing/shopping for M-I-L etc (note there was no mention of housework in there....😉😉) and the last 3 days have just disappeared.
Today I intend to sit and play with some new stamps but before that I had a quick tidy up of the desk (this counts as housework in my opinion😏😏)

It's actually amazing what you find when you clear away  ....🙈🙈

I remember doing this and not being happy with it at the time.
Looking at it this morning, it's rather grown on me - but only a little -  although I still don't know if I will put it in the Card Box.
It was a bit of an experiment and a practice with pencils for colouring on dark card and my original intention was for a Sympathy card but maybe it is too dark and brooding?

Stamped and clear embossed the stamp  - from Joy Crafts I think but is that old I can't remember?!!)

Coloured with Inktense Watercolour Pencils.
I think maybe the centre could have been a bit more vibrant and am considering going over it with a brighter colour - although if I am not going to use it I mightn't waste time!

Sharing over at
Make My Monday - the letter B (Bloom and Black)
Crafty Friends - the letter B (Bloom and Black)
Paper Craft Crew - #342 Stamping/Floral/Feminine

Desk now cleared and ready for action - but am going to get a cuppa and come visit you all first!
Thanks for visiting today - and if you have left me a comment I thank you very much! x


Bunny said...

I love the embossing on it. Sometimes the rest of us see the beauty in the someone else's card and the creator sees the recycle bin. I think it's a keeper. [Bunny]``

Aquarius said...

You are right about finding stuff when having a tidy up of the crafty space. This was a lucky find - I quite like the effect of pencils when colouring dark card and lots of different looks can be achieved with a bit of experimentation.

Diane Louise J said...

Hello Viv… Thanks for sharing your card with us. It’s so lovely and fits perfectly with our ‘Things Beginning with ‘B’ theme… lovely embossing too and I dont think you need to redo any of your colouring, its lovely. Please join us next time at Crafty Friends.
Diane Louise
[Team Leader for Crafty Friends Challenge Blog]

crafty-stamper said...

I love it looks great embossed and like the pencil colouring-amazing what you can find but don't tidy desk very often lol
Carol x

Loll said...

This is very elegant, but at the same time artsy. It's good that you had a break from it and now see it in a different light ... your instinct to use it as a sympathy card is spot on, in my opinion. It's a keeper!! xx

Carole said...

Well Viv it seems a shame to me to bin your creation and as you say sometimes when you see it with fresh eyes you like it better. My lift would be add sparkle...glitter or wink or... white highlights with a white gel pen? I've just finished a marathon wash and iron...still not sat in the crafty space though! getting my fix from blogland. Hugs xx

Mac Mable said...

A very dramatic card, love the dark card stock and the way you've coloured in the beautiful flower....your card is amazing and so glad you came back to it x.

Kathleen said...

A gorgeous image and some lovely embossing, hope the fact that you are not too keen on this card will stop you using the lovely image again.

Kath x

aussie aNNie said...

Stunning card Viv, love the black contrasting background. Love your gorgeous pastel one below this post too...

brenda said...

It's a very elegant creation Viv, so often we return to things and see them in a different light.

B x

Sandma's Handmade Cards said...

I think this is lovely Viv and the embossing in the background looks great. I quite often put cards to one side when I'm not happy with them and it's amazing how differently you see them at a later time x

Mrs.B said...

I think this looks stunning Viv, it's a lovely stamp - it's amazing what we find when we have a tidy!
I like colouring black cardstock with Oxide inks, although the colour changes slightly, they still have a depth to the colour.
Avril xx

meg said...

thank you for joining in at MMM with this beauty love the embossed stamping and the flower

Pat said...

The white coloured flower stands out beautifully against the tone on tone clear embossed background Viv, and it is good that you didn't instantly throw it in the bin and a bit of space has put it in a new light and rightly so I think. x

Melanie said...

A lovely card!
Thank you soo much for taking part in our "things starting with the letter B” challenge over at Crafty Friends & good luck in the draw.
Hope to see you again in our nextchallenge as well…

(DT-Coordinator Creatalicious Challenges)

(DT Crafty Friends)

(DT The Sketchy Challenges)

(DT Simply Create Too)

Wei said...

Such a gorgeous card! Love the embossed background and the white floral really pops out from the dark card base. Thanks for playing along with us at Make My Monday. Looking forward to seeing your creative projects in the future galleries again.