TIOT's 'Lets Get Messy' challenge is mid way through - I am normally a
precise orderly person but I do like to make a mess occasionally!
Having said I like precision I often wonder why I am so drawn to
acrylic pouring - it's anything but precise and of course it's messy!
But I LOVE it! Here's a make.
This is a rescue piece. It was double the size when it started (see pics below).
I am (and always have been) madly impatient and waiting round for stuff to dry frustrates me no end.
There was a rather nice dark blue swirly pool on this piece and I touched it 👇 to see if it was dry.... it wasn't.😡
My smudgy fingerprints stood out in all their glory - (a crime scene investigator would have been delighted)- and nothing to be done except to chop it off - (the smudgy bit not my actual fingers...)
So this is the bit that didn't have the smudges on.
Added a die cut seahorse with a little bit of blingy greeny blue glittery
stuff and some coral type foliage.
Maybe next time I will remember not to stick my fingers into wet paint.....
.........but then again!
Still time for you to join us at TIOT this week! x